10 months ago
Monday, October 31, 2011
Ipad Giveaway
Register to win a free tablet (iPad2 or Android) on Nov 15 from Christian Computing and Christian Video Mags. Info at http://www.ccmag.com/contest
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Kindle Giveaway
I know that this is sort of a short notice to my friends that check my blog out. Yet it is my desire to let everyone know, since I just found this out myself. There is another October Giveaway! This one is over at http://livingononeincome.blogspot.com/2011/10/booktacular-giveaway-enter-to-win.html
Several bloggers have gotten together to give you a chance to win a BRAND NEW KINDLE TOUCH with a value of $99 and one person will be the lucky winner on October 31st! They're going to have some spooky fun in announcing the winner too! Stay tuned for their Booktakular Halloween Party!
Several bloggers have gotten together to give you a chance to win a BRAND NEW KINDLE TOUCH with a value of $99 and one person will be the lucky winner on October 31st! They're going to have some spooky fun in announcing the winner too! Stay tuned for their Booktakular Halloween Party!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Doctor's Blessing by Patricia Davids
A Very Special Delivery
As a nurse-midwife in Amish country, Amber Bradley helps expectant mothers have their babies safely at home. But when Hope Spring's new doctor arrives, he insists all maternity patients deliver at a hospital. Amber is determined to show Dr. Phillip White that the Amish have a different way of life, one he needs to respect if he expects any patients at all. But even as he becomes more a part of the community, Amber must remember his stay is just temporary. Unless she can convince Phillip he's found the home - and heart - he's always been looking for.
"When can we begin seeing patients, again?" Amber
Phillip's gaze deepened into a fierce scowl. "You're planning on seeing maternity patients?"
Amber didn't care for his tone. "I haven't since Harold left, but now that you're here, I have one waiting now."
"I see." His glower lightened.
Amber continued to study him, He was a hard man to read. "We haven't exactly been on vacation while we waited for you to arrive. We've traveled a lot of miles letting people know what happened.
He raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't a few phone calls have been easier?"
Smiling with artificial sweetness, Amber said, "It would if our patients had phones. The majority of our clients are Amish, remember?"
"I'll let you get to work, but there will be changes around here that you and I need to discuss. Come to m office when you're done."
Amber didn't like the sound of that. Not one bit.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Katie's Redemption by Patricia Davis
Will The Amish Welcome Her Home?
After two years away, Katie Lantz returns to her Amish community nine months pregnant - and unmarried. With nowhere else to tun, she nervously knocks on her family's door, fearing she'll be shunned. Yet the handsome stranger who now owns the farm welcomes her in - just in time for Katie to give birth.
Carpenter Elam Sutter and his kindly mother care for Katie and her newborn in a loving way she never dreamed was possible. But in the face of a heartwrenching choice, Katie learns just what family, faith, and acceptance truly mean.
Elam wasn't sure he would ever be ready to trust his heart to someone again.
If that time did come, it would be only with a woman he was certain shared his love of God and his Plain faith.
"Once burned, twice shy," he confided to his tiny listener, Katie's newborn daughter, nestled in the crook of his arm.
He waited for the anger to surface, but it didn't. For the first time in over a year he was able to think about his broken engagement without bitterness. Maybe the sweet-smelling babe in his arms had brought with her a measure of God's peace for him. To her, life was new and good and shouldn't be tainted with the sins of the past.
He began to sing a soft lullaby. Baby Rachel stared back at him intently for for a few minutes, but she eventually grew discontented with his voice and the fingers she couldn't quite get into her mouth. Her little fussing noises became a full-fledged cry.
"I guess I can't fix what ails you after all. I reckon I'll have to wake your mother."
"I'm awake." Katie's low voice came from the bed.
He looked over to find her watching him with dark eyes as beautiful and intense as her daughter's. How long had she been listening to him?
Who wouldn't want to win this beautiful authentic AMISH quilt? I know that I have the perfect bed for it. My Mandy just told me that she was glad that I was posting about this and not hogging it all to myself. Now, would that be christian like? Please, go on over to Cindy Woodsmall's FB and enter to win. If you enjoy reading about the Amish, then be sure to look at her books. I have read all that she has written so far, except for "The Christmas Singing" and I have enjoyed each one. Don't wait any longer, jump right on over to http://www.facebook.com/authorcindywoodsmall?sk=app_190322544333196 and place your name in the drawing.
Enter your First Name and email address below to enter to win. Contest Details:
Today, as I was reading the email from AMISH HEARTS, this article spoke to my heart so much that I wanted to share the complete article with you. I think so often, I don't stop and let the Lord work through me as much as I know that He would like. It is my desire to do that, but why don't I? I pray that this will touch your hearts and you real allow the Lord to work through you more each and everyday.amishhearts.com/2011/10/21/spiritual-exhaustion.aspx
Amish Hearts published a new post entitled "Spiritual Exhaustion" on 10/21/2011 9:04:44 AM, written by Kelly Long.Spiritual Exhaustion
For the Amish as for any Christian, spiritual exhaustion is a symptom, not a root disease. It's a symptom that our source of strength for living is us, not God. For most of us, this comes about by compartmentalizing where God permeates in our lives. Example, a student might say 'I'm responsible for my own grades.' True on one level...but what about the verse that says "Commit your works unto the Lord, and He shall establish your thoughts." I'm not talking about some osmosis of knowledge but rather a setting of God at the helm of your thoughts, your actions. I tried this idea out on my high school Sunday Bible study class once, and they were resistant to say the least. All high achievers, they didn't believe that there was room for God in what they could accomplish on their own---and they're sadly right. What you can accomplish on your own is yours, true, but what you yield to God to accomplish through you is His, and that's something remarkable. So, here's where spiritual exhaustion comes in---it comes in through every crack, nook, cranny, or mental room that you put a closed sign on to the Living God. Ask yourself what you're holding off from HIm. I promise that there's nothing too mundane, important, or immediate that He can't see you through---if you allow it. God only rarely holds our hands captive and steers us through places we don't want to go, and this happens only when we're truly yielded to him. Instead, he often lets us chart the average course, the one where, it's all our fault, our responsibility, and guess what---it is. Unless...we yield to Him all, and then, in doing what we can through Him, He receives the glory. It is NOT in the Bible that "God helps those who help themselves." That statement was made long ago, by a famous deist or possible agnostic. Rather, we should know that "God helps those who allow Him to." So, invite God into the show of your life and see what it's like to yield to the Master. You'll be amazed at how quickly the spiritual exhaustion will evaporate!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Since 2000, Pull-in has offered underwear for women (and children and men) with this same thick elastic band. At last I have the chance to see what all the fuss has been about, and in style! All Pull-in underwear are designed in France and made in Europe. Fabrics available include Lycra, lace, cotton, jacquard, and satin. Women’s underwear are offered in six different cuts (panty, moon, kirra, thong, brief, and g-string) and men’s are offered in four different cuts (boxer, shorty, slip, and technical). To top it off, bold new prints are released four times a year with each changing season.
Over at http://yourstowin.com/, there is a giveaway. Now who would not like to win a free pair of your choice (men's, women's, or children's) of underwear? If you don't want to win one for yourself, then try to win one for someone on your Christmas list. There are a number of ways to get extra points, so go for it!
Anna"s Gift by Emma Miller
Surprise Proposal In Amish Country
from back cover:
No one in Seven Poplars, Delaware, expects Anna Yoder ever to marry. Among her six pretty, petite sisters, big and plain Anna feels like a plow horse.
But then Samuel Mast, the handsome widowed father she has secretly loved for years, asks if he can court her. Surely Anna has misheard - Samuel has his pick of lovely brides! She's convinced he seeks a wife only as a mother for his five children.
Or could a man like Samuel actually have a very romantic reason for wanting Anna by his side forever?
"It's really you I want to talk to,"
Samuel said.
"Me?" Anna's mout gaped open and snapped it shut. Her stomach turned over. "Something I can do for you?"
"YA. I want..."
Anna shifted her weight and the wooden step under her left foot creaked.
"If you would..." He took a deep breath and straightened his broad shoulders.
Staring at him, Anna couldn't stop the fluttering in the pit of her stomach. "Ya?" she coaxed. "You want..."
"I want to court court you, Anna," Samuel blurted out. "I want that youshould give me the honor to become my wife."
Anna froze, unable to exhale. She blinked as black spots raced behind her eyes. Abruptly, she felt her hands go numb. Her knees went weak and the ladder began to sway. There was an ominous crack of wood, the step broke, and paint, ladder and Anna went flying.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Hey All!
Have you heard of Konsyl? It is the #1 doctor-recommended all natural psyllium fiber supplement. Konsyl Original and Konsyl Easy Mix psyllium fiber products are all natural, gluten-free, and contain no sugar or sugar substitutes. They are safe for celiac patients, diabetics and pregnant and nursing mothers. It is made with 100% pure psyllium, a soluble plant fiber and available in powder, capsule, and single-serve packets.
Over at http://www.thequeenofswag.com/2011/10/amazing-konsyl-fiber-review-giveaway.html#comment-7453, there is a giveaway for someone to receive one of two products of your choosing. So jump on over and join in on the fun and see if you are the blessed one to receive the prize. Everyone enjoys getting a free gift and especially something you could use.
Wednesday Hump Day Slump Day Blog Hop
Every Wednesday, "The Queen Of Swag" has a WEDNESDAY HUMP DAY SLUMP DAY BLOG HOP. This is just so we all can share a small part of our lives with each other. This is a wordless post.
If you just want to BLOG HOP, that's okay. Just leave a link to your blog so we can follow you. http://www.thequeenofswag.com/2011/10/wednesday-hump-day-slump-day-blog-hop-event-join-now-bloghop.html
If you just want to BLOG HOP, that's okay. Just leave a link to your blog so we can follow you. http://www.thequeenofswag.com/2011/10/wednesday-hump-day-slump-day-blog-hop-event-join-now-bloghop.html
Monday, October 17, 2011
Meet Me On Monday
1. The thing that scares me the most is __________?
I have been having trouble with my feet hurting and my body hurting, like I
have the flu. I know that my feet hurt because of Plantar Fascia and then I
know that I need to go to the doctor to have my Fibromyalgia checked. But
what really scares me is that my Mother died for Lou Gehrig and they tell me
that it is not hereditary, but are they sure?
2. Do you like nuts in your Chocolate Chip cookies?
Absolutely not! When I bite into those warm delicious cookies, I want to feel
the chocolate slide down slowly without any chunks.

It really doesn't matter as long as it tastes good.
5. Who do you miss the most?
My Parents. They have both passed away and I would love to have just a
few more days with them. But I do know that one day, I will see them in heaven.
Want to join in on the fun, just skip on over to :
Sunday, October 9, 2011
from back cover:
An Impossible Choice
Miriam Yoder always thought she'd marry Charley Byler. Steady, Dependable Charley, who grew up on the neighboring farm, and has been sweet on her since they were young. But then local veterinarian John Hartman catches Miriam's eye. Hes handsome, charming, cares for animals - and is not Plain. While Miriam is known as the "wild" Yoder sister, she is still expected to marry a good Amish man. But what if it's God's plan to match her with John? Miriam must listen to her heart to truly know which man will claim her love and her future.
My thoughts:
Growing up Miriam always figured that she and Charley Byler would get married. He was everything that she would want in a husband, until John Hartman came along. Miriam has always had a way with animals and finds that she enjoys being with the new veterinarian, John Hartman. As time goes on, will Miriam realize that being Amish is not as important to her as being with John and perhaps practicing along side with him?
Once again, the author, Emma Miller takes the reader into the home of Hannah Yoder. Since her husband has passed away, it is up to Hannah to help her daughters make the right choice. I loved reading this second book in the series "Hannah's Daughters". If you enjoy reading about the Amish, this one will not disappoint. I would give this book a 5 star rating.
from the back cover:
Amish widow Hannah Yoder prays her daughters will each find a husband someday. Still, sensible Ruth believes it's God's will that she stay home and help are for her younger sisters. But when a handsome young man comes to Kent County, Ruth starts to rethink her plans. Not yet part of the church, Eli Lapp is allowed to run wild. Yet something in Ruth's sweet smile and gentle manner makes him yearn to settle down - with her at his side.
Can Eli convince her that their lives should be entwined together on God's path?
my thoughts:
When Ruth Yoder's father passed away, she felt that it was God's plan for her to stay at home and help her mother take care of her younger sister's. This was the plan, until Eli Lapp pulled from the fire at the school house. Never had Ruth looked into eyes like his. Determined, to stay on course, Ruth continued to rebuff his attentions.
With rumors flying about him, from his hometown and his attention to Miriam, Ruth's sister, how could she even entertain thoughts of Eli?
I loved this book and before I got through reading it, I had ordered the next two books in the series. I am hoping that the uu, Emma Miller, will continue to write about this family. I would give this book a 5 star rating.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I was sitting at my computer going through emails and I got a message on my phone. As I clicked on my message icon, this cute little picture came up and I wanted to share it with my blog friends.
Is she not just the cutest thing?
Are you up To a 24 Hour Read-A-Thon? If so, hop on over to
I, myself have never tried reading for 24 hours, but I am willing to try. It will start at noon on the 22nd of October and we will have cheerleaders, cheering us on and also there will be contests. So be sure to get your book or books ready and then go sign up. It will be fun and along the way challenging.
Book Giveaway
Book Giveaway!
One winner will receive a SIGNED copy of 'The Queen'! USA residents only. There are two mandatory entries - follow via email & leave a blog post comment answering this question: Have you read any of the 'Patrick Bowers Thrillers? The rest are all optional! Many thanks to Steven James for this giveaway! Giveaway ends November 1st
Melanie over at Christian Bookshelf Reviews is giving a giveaway this month and will end on the 1st of Nov. I have read The Pawn and The Rook by Steven James and I was not disappointed. It is a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat and will not be able to stop thinking about it until you finish. Then you will want to run out and get the next book.
Fill In the Blanks
This week’s statements:
- Somehow cleaning comes naturally to me
- I could spend hours in a Book store
- If money and time were no consideration, today I would go buy all the books that are on mine and my Mandy's list and then grocery shopping for my children.
- You should always take time to listen to your children .
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Have I ever felt so dumb? Yes, but not in this way. Tonight, I was on my blog and my daughter had told me awhile back that I could take her off my blog. That meant, I could remove her as one who could get on my blog and change things. So tonight, I remembered her saying this and thought, okay.
Well, I should never try doing two things at once. Because, instead of removing her name, I deleted myself!!!!! I got on the help board and still did not come away feeling like I got my question, answered. I kept at it though. Finally!
So, I call my Mandy and leave a message on her phone. The lovely, intelligent daughter she is, not to mention, sneaky! She tells me yes, that she will log on to my blog and invite me as an author for my very own blog. Have any of you done this? Then, the very next thing she asks is, "Have you checked on your paperback swap to see if you could get the 3rd book in a series by Patti Hill." I know that she had asked me earlier and I had told her I would check. After logging on to Paperback Swap, I found the book and had the book sent directly to her home.
When she called back to see if I had gotten the email, I had a answer ready for her. The book will be on it's way, as soon as the person I ordered it from lets me know. My Mandy, told me that this could be the cost of taking care of me tonight! HA HA! But in all truth, she would have done this for me without the book. I love that we can tease each other. My world would be a sad place without her in my life. But, instead of taking her off my blog, I am thinking that it would be a wise move on my part to just leave her there. I never know what I might do next!
Well, I should never try doing two things at once. Because, instead of removing her name, I deleted myself!!!!! I got on the help board and still did not come away feeling like I got my question, answered. I kept at it though. Finally!
So, I call my Mandy and leave a message on her phone. The lovely, intelligent daughter she is, not to mention, sneaky! She tells me yes, that she will log on to my blog and invite me as an author for my very own blog. Have any of you done this? Then, the very next thing she asks is, "Have you checked on your paperback swap to see if you could get the 3rd book in a series by Patti Hill." I know that she had asked me earlier and I had told her I would check. After logging on to Paperback Swap, I found the book and had the book sent directly to her home.
When she called back to see if I had gotten the email, I had a answer ready for her. The book will be on it's way, as soon as the person I ordered it from lets me know. My Mandy, told me that this could be the cost of taking care of me tonight! HA HA! But in all truth, she would have done this for me without the book. I love that we can tease each other. My world would be a sad place without her in my life. But, instead of taking her off my blog, I am thinking that it would be a wise move on my part to just leave her there. I never know what I might do next!
And the winner of the ‘BOOKS TO THE RESCUE’ IPAD 2 giveaway is………………..
Sherree Shaw Chmitlin
Yea!!!!! Wahoo!!!! GO GIRL!!!!!!!
We had a very successful giveaway with over 113,000 entries! Thank you to everyone who participated. Now, the good news for everyone is that I will have MORE great giveaways coming and ANOTHER iPad 2 giveaway very very very very soon…Stay tuned… 
I can not describe the joy, excitement, I felt when I opened my email and was told that I had won the contest over at http://blog.writerslairbooks.com/2011/09/did-you-call-my-name-ipad-2-winner/comment-page-1/#comment-3046.
Yes, it was me that won. I wanted to open my front door and tell the world, but no one would have heard me (I live in the country). So I was sitting at my desk and my daughter, Lexie and her boyfriend, Payton were sitting on the couch in front of my desk and all I could do was jump up and down in my chair. Now they thought I was probably going crazy. I finally got myself together and told them and their response was, your kidding. I could hardly talk without crying.
I called my Bridgett and she was excited for me and then my Mandy called and before I could get to my phone, she hung up. Yes, she hung up and when I tried calling her RIGHT back, she would not answer my call. So what did I do next? I called her daughter, Caitlin and told her.
Peoples, I was so excited and I still am. When I went to the Verizon store, I made sure to check out the new IPAD 2 and let me tell you, I am going to love it. I wonder what color I will get? Will it matter? Absolutely not!
I can't explain just how excited I am and I just want to let you know. When you come to those giveaways and think like I did, DON'T. You will never know. So what will I do with the next contest I come in contact with? You, guessed it. I will fill out the forms and try again. I never know, perhaps it will be for a Kitchen Make-over.
I promise to take a picture of me and my IPAD when it arrives. Oh, me, that will mean that I will have to look my best!
I promise to take a picture of me and my IPAD when it arrives. Oh, me, that will mean that I will have to look my best!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 30
- Get the sun room cleaned out
- Clean out the shed
- Lose 5 - 10 pounds
- Catch up on my Bible Study
- Work in the flower beds
- Read 5-10 books
This was the last day of the 30 day blog challenge. I so enjoyed doing this. It reminded me of when I was teaching and I would give my students a new topic to write about in their journals. I found this challenge over at http://www.craftylife.net/ Now as soon as I post this, I will be clicking on over to the site, to see what new thing is going on for this month.
For those that have read my post and commented on them, thank you so very much.
For those that have read my post and commented on them, thank you so very much.
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 29
People that I would most certainly invite:
- My Mother, Betty Shaw - past away
- My Daddy, Jesse Shaw - past away
- Grandmother, Iva Mae Shaw - past away
- Grandfather, L.W. Shaw - past away
- Grandmother, Bertha Shindoll - past away
- Grandfather, Louis Shindoll - past away
- My Brother - Steve Shaw
- My Sister - Tammy Kelley
- My Sister - Karen Davis
- My Aunt - Aunt Arvina Campbell

Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Green Salad
Deviled Eggs
Homemade rolls
My Grandmother's Pound Cake
Sweet Tea
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 28
I think of all the things that I miss would be the special feelings I had for holidays.
I remember growing up, Christmas was my most favorite. It still is, but it just doesn't seem as special as then. I suppose that is, because here it is the beginning of October and already the decorations are coming out. It is not even Thanksgiving!! With all the decorations out early for each of the holidays, they just seem to have lost a little bit of their luster.
It is like with our children, why does the media want them to grow up so fast? Children are only children for such a short time of their life. Now with tv, the clothing industry, books and even the toys they play with, they are encouraged to be older than they are. Just look at the "Toddlers and Tiaras" on tv.
I think of all the things that I miss would be the special feelings I had for holidays.
I remember growing up, Christmas was my most favorite. It still is, but it just doesn't seem as special as then. I suppose that is, because here it is the beginning of October and already the decorations are coming out. It is not even Thanksgiving!! With all the decorations out early for each of the holidays, they just seem to have lost a little bit of their luster.
It is like with our children, why does the media want them to grow up so fast? Children are only children for such a short time of their life. Now with tv, the clothing industry, books and even the toys they play with, they are encouraged to be older than they are. Just look at the "Toddlers and Tiaras" on tv.
30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 27
I know that September is over and I am not sure what happened to my days. But I really don't like to not finish. So here goes.
A problem that I have now is with my feet. The first of the summer, I noticed that some days it was really hard for me to walk on my feet. First thought was, "well, if you would lose weight, perhaps my feet and knees wouldn't hurt.
The pain continued throughout the summer and just seemed to get worse. So in August, after the grandchildren were gone, I decided to go to the doctor. I found out that the problem was not so much extra weight, as it was "plantar fascia".
I have since ordered some inserts for my shoes and just waiting for them to come in the mail. I also, will be making an appointment with my main doctor to see if she can send me to a specialist. I still plan on wearing my heels, but just for a short amount of time.
I know that September is over and I am not sure what happened to my days. But I really don't like to not finish. So here goes.
A problem that I have now is with my feet. The first of the summer, I noticed that some days it was really hard for me to walk on my feet. First thought was, "well, if you would lose weight, perhaps my feet and knees wouldn't hurt.
The pain continued throughout the summer and just seemed to get worse. So in August, after the grandchildren were gone, I decided to go to the doctor. I found out that the problem was not so much extra weight, as it was "plantar fascia".
I have since ordered some inserts for my shoes and just waiting for them to come in the mail. I also, will be making an appointment with my main doctor to see if she can send me to a specialist. I still plan on wearing my heels, but just for a short amount of time.
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