Thursday, October 20, 2011

Anna"s Gift by Emma Miller

Surprise Proposal In Amish Country

from back cover:

No one in Seven Poplars, Delaware, expects Anna Yoder ever to marry.  Among her six pretty, petite sisters, big and plain Anna feels like a plow horse. 
But then Samuel Mast, the handsome widowed father she has secretly loved for years, asks if he can court her.  Surely Anna has misheard - Samuel has his pick of lovely brides!  She's convinced he seeks a wife only as a mother for his five children.
Or could a man like Samuel actually have a very romantic reason for wanting Anna by his side forever?

"It's really you I want to talk to,"
Samuel said.

"Me?" Anna's mout gaped open and snapped it shut. Her stomach turned over. "Something I can do for you?"

"YA. I want..."

Anna shifted her weight and the wooden step under her left foot creaked.

"If you would..." He took a deep breath and straightened his broad shoulders.

Staring at him, Anna couldn't stop the fluttering in the pit of her stomach. "Ya?" she coaxed. "You want..."

"I want to court court you, Anna," Samuel blurted out. "I want that youshould give me the honor to become my wife."

Anna froze, unable to exhale. She blinked as black spots raced behind her eyes. Abruptly, she felt her hands go numb. Her knees went weak and the ladder began to sway. There was an ominous crack of wood, the step broke, and paint, ladder and Anna went flying.

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